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hola que tal : ) ya subi a mi canal mi reaccion y recomendacion de este videojuego espero que mis consejos y mi gameplay les sirva como guia para seguir mejorando aun mas <3 cuidense y sigan asii !!!

Hey! Thanks for your time and hope you can continue to pay attention to our games!

Who would have thought that this hand could open a door! This is so cool!

I love the flower design so much, it's like the little girl crying on the toilet, that's a great analogy!

While the game design is great, there are so many models that I've seen in other games on itch as well, is this using some kind of unified free material pack? Maybe this material pack needs to be updated more often!

I'll be honest, I expected way less when I decided to play this game, but it nearly made me cry. I was really on edge by the end of the game. Loved it!

(1 edit)

I need the full version....

Isn't the three names in the classroom in the last scene a little weird? The girl's name is Becki not Becky. This doesn't feel like a really common name.

This game really took me by surprise, a lot of the gameplay design is subtle and I look forward to a full commentary on the game!

Outstanding game. Both the level design and the atmosphere of the scares are shaped. Very worthwhile first person horror game.

Short but charming! When do you plan to continue updating?

I got caught in the maze. What a horror!

I like the feeling the whole game is trying to convey, but the storyline doesn't seem clear enough to me, is there anyone willing to explain it to me?

As much as I love this game, I must say though, I don't like that chapter design, it doesn't make my journey through the game coherent and smooth at all

Wonderful chapter3. Both the design of the scare sections and the animated performances were very creative, especially the one in the restroom. I made a video of it, so I hope more people can give it a try!

Thank you for the request to play this game! did my best to give an honest review and playthrough.

I love the game when it stops at the best part. I saw the way three children appeared and stood in the fire, it was really wonderful. 

WOW I really like the subject matter! This story is great! There will be a follow up right?

My favorite thing about the little girl crying in the bathroom is that she reminds me of a child being bullied, maybe that's what this story is trying to tell us?

That maze is really hard. Has anyone made it out? Maybe record a video to teach me?

It's not that difficult when you understand the mechanics of the puppet boy, when he chases you just run back to the nearest locker and hide, he'll immediately despawn. you only have to do this twice. also it's pretty obvious but if you didn't know, the lines and symbols on the ground before you pull the lever are the walls and locations of the maze/key/exit. so it's all about remembering which directions lead where.

Cool maze! The chase inside is also fun. The metaphors of various props are also reminiscent of a sad story.

The ending scene of chapter 3 was amazing. Recommended to all those who haven't tried this outstanding horror game yet!

That maze is really hard. Has anyone made it out? Maybe record a video to teach me?


While the game design is great, there are so many models that I've seen in other games on itch as well, is this using some kind of unified free material pack? Maybe this material pack needs to be updated more often!

I agree, the models seem cheesy and somewhatg generic imo, but im not sure how youd get around that since this was made in a relatively new horror game creator kit.


As much as I love this game, I must say though, I don't like that chapter design, it doesn't make my journey through the game coherent and smooth at all

Woah! I thought the last scene was super cool!The three kids raised their weapons to me. I really wanna know what happen next!

Will You Release This Horror Game on Android?

Love Chapter One. The design of ringing the doorbell and the street light suddenly going out is very clever. Regarding the maze design, it's amazing how this gameplay that puts enemy chases and maze decryption together is very interesting! Looking forward to the subsequent chapters.

the maze scene is amazing, and the final indoor scene is full of horror. a great horror game!

After I helped the little girl find the daisy, she seemed to eat it, and there was golden blood coming out! What a cool scene!